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Airbrush 101
Chapter 1: Introduction
1: Welcome (0:31)
Chapter 2: Airbrush Setup
2A: Airbrush Setup (0:37)
2B: Airbush Assembly (9:27)
Chapter 3: Cleaning
3A: Rinse Clean & Colour Switching (6:40)
3B: Deep Clean & Problem Solving (15:03)
3C: Lubing your Needle (6:00)
Chapter 4: Types of Airbrush Paint
4: There are different kinds? (1:26)
Chapter 5: Colour Theory
5: Colour Theory (15:23)
Chapter 6: Shadows & Light
6A: Priming with an Airbrush (5:44)
6B: Zenithal Highlighting (14:06)
6C: OSL Object Source Lighting (9:49)
6D: Directional Light (5:39)
7: Paint Styles
7A: Transparent Paints (8:48)
7B: Opaque Paints (10:27)
7C: Transparent-Opaque Style (17:04)
7D: Skintones (58:54)
7E: Applied OSL (25:11)
Chapter 8: Stencils
8: Stencils (14:57)
Chapter 9: Yellow & White
9: Tricky Colours - Yellow & White (29:41)
Chapter 10: Varnish & Finish
10: Varnishes & Airbrushes (14:30)
Chapter 11: Takeaways & Thank-you
11: Final Thoughts (1:07)
1: Welcome
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